

Church Offering

Mosaic South Perth - Is a community organisation ran by South Perth Baptist Church.

With a regular gathering on Sunday Mornings, part of what we do is give and collect an offering. This helps facilitate our missional and community work, as well as helping us remember that everything we have, is not ultimately ours to hold onto, but has been given to us by God, to be used as difference makers in this world. We believe having an attitude of generosity and gratitude goes a long way in changing how we see the world, and the enjoyment that can come from sharing and giving changes both those who give and those who receive. We don’t expect people to give a certain amount, though regular attenders of Mosaic - South Perth Baptist Church, aim to give generously.

The preferred method of giving is now through electronic transfer.

Church Offering can be transferred directly into:

BSB: 036 302

Account: 331 571

This is only for church offering, fee’s for our community programs can be paid via card.